What could prevent the DLLs dependencies from being detected? If I call nsole directly on the project assembly, I have the same behavior: needed DLLs are not copied. There is no error visible in the Output window The references are correctly copied to the OuputDirectory ( bin\Debug) The "Copy Local" setting is set on all references.

If I compare the 2 directories underneath the TestResults directory (when running a single test, and when running multiple) I can clearly see that running all tests copies a lot moreĭLLs and that some DLL specifically referenced from the test project are not copied. In the solution, other test project are able to copy the referenced DLL. Running the tests create a Deploy_xxx directory under the TestResults directory of the solution. The test fails because the references I added for TestProject are not copied into the directory where the tests are run. TestProject -> TestedProject -> TestedProjectDepencies as well as other dependencies for the TestProject directly. I have the following project reference structure: The error message I get is related to missing DLLs in the directory in which the test are run (under TestResult directory). When I select a single solution, the unit tests for this solution fail.
Details: I, 6100, 1, 3, 12:26:38.131, KCWS062 mtm.exe, Failed to load center '.Tools' from assembly '.Tools.ToolsCenterGroup'.When I run all tests in the solution, my unit tests pass. Details: I, 6100, 1, 3, 12:26:38.131, KCWS062 mtm.exe, Failed to load center '.Community' from assembly '.Community.Communit圜enterGroup'. Details: I, 6100, 1, 3, 12:26:38.131, KCWS062 mtm.exe, Failed to load center '.Reporting' from assembly '.Reporting.ReportsCenterGroup'. Details: I, 6100, 1, 3, 12:26:38.131, KCWS062 mtm.exe, Failed to load center '.Tools' from assembly '.Tools.ToolsCenterGroup'. Details: I, 6100, 1, 3, 12:26:38.131, KCWS062 mtm.exe, Failed to load center 'WpfShellHostAdapter' from assembly '.HostAdapter.UnitTestGroup'. Please find log trace in message: I, 6100, 1, 3, 12:26:38.116, KCWS062 mtm.exe, Failed to load center '' from assembly '.OrganizeGroup'.